The Vietnamese handicraft has contributed to the total export turnover and it is considered now as one of the top 10 industries in Vietnam with a high value and potential. The Vietnamese handicraft products are available in more than 160 countries in the world. But the biggest difficulty for Vietnamese handicrafts is quality of their designs.
The companies understand that the major challenge is the design monotony and the weak brand competition. Many enterprises and craft villages haven’t escaped from cheap price competition thinking, most of them don’t have separate design department, do not invest in buying new designs. 90% of Vietnamese handicraft products are still based on the design of foreign customers and use their label, this leads to the dependence.
In order to solve this problem, the enterprises need to improve product quality, promote the products, invest in new product design, develop the identity of each region and craft village. The companies can create unique features for their own products. In fact, many countries like Japan, China, India, and Thailand… have done a very good job with that.
Our customers, especially those from the Europe and the United States are always interested in sustainable design and sustainable production. This will be the trend of the handicraft market in the coming years. According to Vietnam Handicraft Exporters Association (Vietcraft), only 10% of total more than 1,500 companies in the industry comply with international quality, social and environmental standards, such as ISO 9001, ISO14001, BSCI…
Baconta embroidery and Ha Linh Company think that the sustainable design is the key solution for the business development. We consider that the sustainable products are our main product line in the market development strategy.